Sunday, September 7, 2008


This is for all of you out there that are breathlessly awaiting a new post by yours truly (that's you Lisa). I'm in Conway Arkansas now, waiting for our customer to get their act together so we can finish this job. We are putting in 2 new optical rings for Century Communications and they have kept us waiting on them for many hours on this job. I was in Opelousas Louisiana just before hurricane Gustav hit, but I left in time to get a room here in Arkansas before all those Cajuns running north took them.
I've been in Memphis Tennessee, Little Rock Arkansas, Lake Charles and Ponchatoula and Monroe Louisiana, Longview and Tyler Texas on this job. I've put almost 10,000 miles on my rental car in the last 8 weeks. Lots of windshield time.
I'm glad to hear that Micah and DL are swimming good now. That's a must if you live in Florida. By the way, bowling is a specialty of mine so y'all practice up and when we get down there, hopefully pretty soon, I'll take all of you on.
I'm going to try and post some pictures of the equipment that I have been installing so you might get some idea of what I do for a living now.
Has everybody registered to vote? I hope so cause Barak Obama needs our support.......NOT! I'd love to see a black man get elected president, but not that black man. Go McCain-Palin.


Lisa said...

So excited to see your post!!! Love to hear what you are up to!
Hope you get to enjoy some football today! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for updating! The kids didn't care so much about the equipment, but we tried, huh? We'll have to get together for golf and/or bowling some time. Tristan loves bowling and would even watch it on TV if I would let him. We are headed to Cali in a couple of weeks for Laura's brothers wedding, but after that we will be around for a while. Look us up when your current contract is up.