Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The great Los Angeles quake of 2009

Yes folks, it's true, I survived the massive 4.7 earthquake of 2009 here in Los Angeles. I was sitting at my desk preparing my timesheet for work when I heard a low rumble. At first I thought a large truck or maybe an Abrahms tank was driving by, but then the desk I was sitting at began to shake. EARTHQUAKE!
Wow, another life experience that I can check off my list. I've wanted to find out what an earthquake is like and now I know. It was interesting but since it was only a 4.7 it was rather anticlimatic. I went downstairs and outside just in case it was just a precursor to the big one, and called Dottie to tell her about it. I also called my son David who is stationed at Camp Pendleton in San Diego see if they had felt it and make sure that we weren't just feeling a major quake in their area. Several people were milling around outside also and we all asked the same question, "Did you feel that?".
We have had 2 aftershocks since but I didn't notice either one of those. Now I only need to observe a major tornado, from a safe distance of course; watch a meteor strike the ground, again from a safe distance; experience a total eclipse of the sun, see Bigfoot and a UFO and my list will be complete.